Two candidates are running for the Democratic Party's nomination for House District 28.
The seat includes West Des Moines, Van Meter and Adel.
This is one of 10 competitive primary races across the Des Moines metro area. The two candidates are:
Sonya Heitshusen, a former WHO-TV anchor who now works as the public information officer for Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand, and Tom Walton, who works as director of legal services and general counsel for Delta Dental of Iowa.
The winner will take on Republican David Young, who served two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives before losing his reelection bid to Democrat Cindy Axne in 2018. He ran unsuccessfully for Congress against Axne again in 2020.
Early voting begins May 18. Here's how you can vote in Iowa.
To help voters, the Des Moines Register sent surveys to every candidate in a competitive primary. The candidate responses have been lightly edited for length and clarity. Candidates appear in alphabetical order by last name.
More:Here's who's running for the Iowa House and Senate in the Des Moines metro
Heitshusen: My opponent is a corporate attorney putting the interests of corporations above the interests of individuals. In contrast, as an anchor and investigative journalist, I have given a voice to the voiceless, served as a champion for the underdog, and held corporations, government agencies, and elected officials accountable. For instance, when a central Iowa family reached out to me because their son wasn’t getting the autism treatment he needed and legally deserved, I went to bat for him. Shortly after my story aired, that insurer started covering his treatment. I will fight for working families to ensure they’re treated fairly.
Walton: My training and experience. There are only four Democratic lawyers in the Iowa House today. Only two have material general litigation experience. One is an active criminal defense lawyer. I am a lawyer with considerable ongoing significant litigation and business experience involving a wide variety of legal subjects at the highest levels and a long history of dedicating myself to representing the interests of others. That background will make me a more effective representative of the interests of residents of District 28, provide a valuable general resource throughout the legislative process, and give Democrats the capacity to respond to legislation proposed by Republicans that may be unconstitutional, contrary to court rulings or that may have unattended (or attended but problematic) legal consequences.
Heitshusen: I will always present people with facts, not political narratives intended to divide us. I will listen and I will work with anyone who has the best interests of Iowans at heart. No one person or party has all the answers. We need to come together to find meaningful solutions to complex problems. A woman I’d never met recently contacted me asking for my help. I didn’t ask if she was a Republican or Democrat. I went to work trying to find a solution to her problem. We need to bring civility, courage, and common sense back to state government.
Walton: As an experienced litigator, I have learned to achieve your client’s goals, you either must beat the other side completely or put them in a position where they must compromise. Without more Democrats in the Iowa House, Republicans will continue to run roughshod over the interest of all Iowans. At the very least, if Democrats could keep the seats they have and gain 10, Democrats could deadlock the Iowa House, putting Republicans in a position where they must get reasonable. Without question, District 28 should be a Democratic seat with the right candidate to challenge former U.S. Congressman David Young. I believe I am that candidate.
Heitshusen: There is no easy, “one size fits all” solution. We need to be innovative and engage communities, employers and government at all levels. My ideas: Incentives for employers offering childcare, including employers partnering with community-based, religious, and in-home daycare providers offering emergency or backup childcare; Streamlining regulations for childcare providers to reduce costs. That money could then be used to increase wages for providers; Tax breaks and low-cost or no-cost training for parents already staying home with their children might incentivize them to watch their neighbor’s children.
Regardless of the approach, a child’s safety, well-being, and education are paramount. I do not support increasing childcare staffing ratios or allowing teens under 18 to work unsupervised in childcare centers.
Walton: Having fewer caregivers taking care of more children is not the answer to this problem, no matter what Republicans say. One-time federal money is also not the answer, no matter how much credit Gov. Reynolds likes to take for it. Finally, putting teenagers in charge of classrooms full of young children creates unnecessary risks. For those at 145% of the federal poverty line (about $33,000 a year), Iowa should pay caregivers what the federal law requires: 70 percent of the market rate, not just half that rate currently funded by the state. That should encourage more qualified people to be child caregivers. Further, any available and appropriate unused space in facilities owned by the public should be used as childcare locations rent-free. The administrative burdens handled by each center, alone, such as payroll, accounting, HR, compliance, and purchasing should be shared through an entity created with assistance from the state. Future Ready Iowa post-high school education should be aimed at getting more students into the childcare fields. Finally, to attract more applicants in a tight labor market, private businesses might consider including some childcare as a benefit of employment, perhaps off-setting limits in healthcare benefits.
Heitshusen: We all want parental involvement and transparency in education. These are the facts: The law already allows parents to access school curricula and to opt-out. The law already requires that curricula in public schools be age-appropriate and research-based. And the law already prohibits obscene materials in schools. The extreme, far-right agenda that originally included sending teachers to jail doesn’t reflect the attitudes and values of most Iowans. Iowa was once number one in the country in education. We are now middle of the pack. We need to fully fund education and support educators. Education is the foundation for every child’s future. We shouldn’t skimp on it.
Walton: The meddling of the state Republican Party this year in the administration of elementary and secondary schools in Iowa is the best reminder of what used to be right about Iowa’s school system — independent local school boards filled with sincere, well-meaning, agenda-free local leaders and parents elected in a bipartisan manner. This year, Republicans really messed that up. Parents should be actively involved in their children’s education. They should attend school board meetings on a regular basis. They should ask tough questions. They are entitled to know the content of materials taught in the school. No doubt about it. Our schools would be better off if they did. But, when that activity is only driven by a few rare events or a book (or even none) that is sensationalized for political reasons at an entirely different level, our system of local control of schools is damaged. Good people who would like to serve quit or turn away. Teachers leave or retire early. The school is divided into overwrought political factions. The concerns of individual parents about how their children’s school is being run deserve, and usually get, serious consideration. The community has chosen those it thinks best to make decisions that have to made when interests conflict. We need to respect the local process and let it work its way out with as little interference and publicity as possible.
Heitshusen: First, acknowledge it exists. The politicization of climate change has hampered the response. Iowa dropped to 36th in energy efficiency in 2020 because of legislation that scaled back efficiency programs. State and local governments should take the lead by investing in renewable energy. This is environmentally and fiscally smart. A report released by the auditor’s office last year showed a potential savings of $375 million through solar installations at the local level. We should also offer consumers more green options, such as purchasing blocks of entirely green energy. We also need to clean up our waterways by fully funding the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Fund, which voters approved in 2010.
Walton: Iowa has made strides in this area. According to the Iowa Environmental Council, Iowa produces more energy with wind than any other state. It produces over 36% of its energy from wind power. But we need to continue and do more to move away from coal by increasing energy efficiency efforts and expanding wind and solar power. With some of the $5 billion in federal money for infrastructure funds, Iowa needs to update its electricity grid to better accommodate alternative forms of energy. We need to expand public passenger transport systems and facilitate the use of electric vehicles with appropriate infrastructure. Iowa needs to be involved and do its part at the global level as appropriate supporting all global efforts to meet targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
Heitshusen: We need to find more in-home caregivers and to do that, we need to pay caregivers more. This is of particular concern in rural areas. We also need to fix the administration of Medicaid. Privatization is not working for many disabled individuals who want to stay in their homes and are legally entitled to do so. I assisted with a report released by the auditor’s office last year that showed illegal denials of care by Managed Care Organizations jumped 890% after Medicaid privatization. Simply put, disabled people aren’t receiving the care they need and deserve. Societies are judged by the way they treat their most vulnerable. We can do better.
Walton: I do believe a society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable members. My wife is a speech therapist who works for a public provider of services to severely disabled individuals. I have seen the struggles faced by these individuals and their caregivers. In 2021, following an investigation, the U.S. Justice Department concluded that there is reasonable cause to believe Iowa violates the federal Americans with Disabilities Act by failing to provide services that integrate people with intellectual disabilities into their communities. Yet, this administration rushed to declare a tax-cutting emergency because estimated revenues exceeded budgeted expenses after two economically aberrational years. While Iowa ranks as one of the top states when it comes to institutionalizing the disabled, studies show decentralized community-based settings are less expensive in the long run. We must do better. We need to spend whatever it takes to build out a sufficient number of new, state of the art community-living homes, help local communities staff and provide the services required to support these homes, and facilitate families in finding and settling their loved ones where most convenient for them, supporting every effort to connect residences with the rest of the community.
Heitshusen: Not currently. We need to assess the impact of the latest tax cut, which will result in a $1.9 billion reduction in state revenue. A wait-and-see approach is also prudent considering the amount of economic uncertainty and instability around the world. I’m a fiscal conservative and I believe in returning money to taxpayers when there is an excess in state coffers. However, we need to ensure there is enough state revenue to adequately fund the basics, such as public education and public safety. Tax cuts must also be fair and equitable for working families.
Walton: No. Iowa has used a variable income tax system for 88 years. It has worked just fine. A “flat” tax will mean either massive spending cuts, more of just different types of taxes, or a greater tax burden on those least able to afford it, and maybe all three. The last two years have been anything but normal fiscally. Iowa received federal money in 2020-21 that equaled 30% of its annual general fund. 2021 tax revenues unexpectedly exceeded lower estimates, which were used to cap budgeted expenditures. Iowa did not “unethically over-collect taxes.” A true fiscal conservative would have waited to let the dust settle before cutting taxes again so soon. Properly calibrated, a progressive income tax system is supported by economists. But from another perspective, the payment of some income tax simply recognizes the fact that the government helps create a stable, functioning economic system that encourages growth, investment and protects private property, which supports income-producing activities. That is why other countries invest in America. We owe something for that. And those with higher incomes have a greater economic stake in the continued success of the Iowa and American way of life.